Fitness Goals for Beginners–Make it Work
By the time summer begins, Sarah intends to shed 20 pounds so she can wear a swimsuit to the beach. She quickly plans her own fitness objectives to achieve what she wants.
Here's the problem: summer is three weeks away. Exactly how could she shed that much within such a brief amount of time? That would be rather difficult…while remaining healthy, that is.
This is why we must plan and set our objectives ahead of time. One’s fitness program should be carefully outlined and scheduled, with clearly defined goals and targets.
Before beginning any type of fitness program, be sure to determine your objective: what you want to accomplish over a set period of time.
To do so, you’ll need to think about certain factors and variables: your physical abilities, the look you want, the amount of weight you intend to lose or gain, and whether you would settle to build strength and stamina alone (without a visible result).
No matter your goal, you will find there are numerous paths you can take. To find the program that suits you best, it’s recommended that you do your own research, as well as consult an expert/professional.
Time Table
As with anything in life, set a realistic timeframe for the larger, long-term goals. Break them into smaller short-term goals that can be accomplished sooner. We recommend using a calendar or planner to lay out the long-term objective(s), along with the short-term goals along the way. This will help you stay focused, while providing gratification and a sense of accomplishment throughout the process.
Expert Help
Any fitness goal, whether weight loss or muscle gain, has complex factors. Thus, advice from an expert or specialist will make your program safer and more effective.
In addition, your exercise program is only half the battle. It also requires the proper diet (again, whether weight loss or muscle gain), or else the workouts will not have the intended effect.
Any such training program takes serious commitment and energy, but mapping them out ahead of time is sure to make your goals more attainable.