Exercising But Not Losing Weight On Scales
Some people think that once they start to exercise or hit the gym, weight loss is sure to happen. The problem is that it’s not that simple. There will be times when you’re exercising hard, but it just doesn’t show up on the scale.
However, giving up is not the solution. You simply need to pinpoint the reason why you are not yet losing weight. We will go into some of the most likely ones:
- Lack of Protein:
A protein-rich diet helps you build lean muscle. You should consume at least 40 to 80 grams of protein on a daily basis, depending on your weight. If your meal lacks protein, chances are you are consuming a lot of carbohydrates, and thus an unnecessarily high number of calories. As a result, you will not lose weight even if you’re exercising.
- Improper workout:
If you’re doing the same workout over and over, you most likely won’t see any additional results; your muscles already know what they’re doing. You need to shock them into growth by training other parts of the body and muscular system. Even if you’re goal is not to “bulk up,” gaining lean muscle tissue will cause you to burn more fat…even when you’re not exercising.
It’s recommended that you hire a professional trainer to draft the workout plan for you. Without a proper workout routine, chances are you will end up targeting the wrong body parts and you will not be able to lose weight.
- Lack of hydration:
It is a known fact that, to keep yourself fit, you need to drink water and stay hydrated. Dehydration has a drastic impact on your weight loss. When your body is not hydrated, the liver has to work hard to keep an adequate water supply. When that happens, the fat you consume remains stored in the body rather than burning off.
- Sedentary lifestyle:
Most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle these days. Even if you’re working out on a daily basis, chances are that, for the rest of the day, you’re sitting in front of a computer in your office at home. The problem is that, when you have a completely stationary lifestyle, the fat will just accumulate. This makes you liable to re-gain the weight you lost when working out. Thus, on a net basis, it will be difficult for you to lose weight if you’re not active throughout the day. One idea, if possible, is to do your work at a stand-up desk.
- Cheat days:
Many diets allow you to have a cheat day, which allow you to enable you to eat your guilty pleasures. There is also a sense of entitlement–many people think that, because they are exercising hard, they deserve to indulge in such pleasures once in a while. The problem is that most of them do not measure the calories which they consume on their cheat day. They end up consuming much more calories than what they are going to burn.
Overcompensating is one of the most common causes of not being able to lose weight with an exercise program. The best solution is to avoid the cheat days altogether. If unable or unwilling to do so, make sure to monitor the calories which you consume on your cheat days. Allowing yourself one or two cherished meals on those days–while knowing their calories–is a much more reasonable compromise than going all-out all day long.
- Lack of rest:
When you exercise, cortisol increases in the body. The problem is that this hormone prevents weight loss; it can curb the rate of weight loss for at least a few days. However, sleep reduces cortisol levels reduce in your body, so be sure to get an adequate amount. It is also a good idea to have a resting day in between workouts.
If you’re continuously exercising but not losing weight on the scale, it is essential to look at the six reasons highlighted above. When you tackle these causes, you can quickly accelerate your weight loss. It is time to adjust your lifestyle to improve your weight. When you eliminate most of these probable causes, you will be able to see your efforts reflect on the scale, making them far more rewarding.