Best Diet to Lose Weight Fast
There’s no denying it—foods that contribute to weight gain are sweet, fattening, and delicious. However, cutting those extra calories is a matter of sacrificing the good for the better in order to get the best out of your program.
Before you give up those high calorie foods and get into low fat foods, it is important to determine how much calories you need per day in order to stay healthy and energetic. Women can be assigned to a 1,200-calories-per-day-diet plan while men can be assigned to an 1,800-calories-per-day-diet plan.
This is only an average, however, and cases vary greatly by individual. Therefore, it’s best to discuss and verify this with a qualified professional. This way, you can determine an accurate, specific number of calories per day–one that will lead to weight loss while still retaining your optimal health and energy.
Once you’ve zoned in on that number, make a daily diet plan for the upcoming week. Then make a new one at the end of the week, and so on. Here’s a sample:
Day 1
Consume low-sugar fruits. No restrictions on the time of day to eat them.
Fruits activate the metabolic process and helps with weight loss. In addition, studies have shown that fruits rich in flavonoids such as anthocyanin can help reduce weight. This compound gives fruits their colors. In addition, you need to consume a lot of water to suppress your appetite and increase your metabolic rate.
Day 2
Now consider incorporating vegetables in your diet, and only vegetables (no fruit today).
Veggies contain all the nutrients you need, and they’re healthy enough to make you lose weight faster. In many cases, you can choose between cooking them and eating them raw. They are low in carbohydrates and great for energy.
Day 3
Combine both fruits and vegetables.
Also, be sure to consume enough water to stay hydrated; also enough to trick your stomach into thinking it’s full, which may require a bit extra.
Fruits will work perfectly to initiate the process of metabolism, while the vegetables will supply you with all your necessary daily nutrients. The combination should be sufficient to maintain your energy level throughout the day. It also allows your body to replenish itself. Finally, it provides fiber.
Day 4
Consume bananas, potatoes, and milk.
Bananas are known to provide instant energy. They’re also rich in pectin, which aids in digestion. This combination should be taken in small quantities, as these foods are packed with carbohydrates. These carbohydrates will give you plenty of energy throughout the day without having to overeat.
Day 5
Consume veggies today, but no fruit. Also eat lean meat, such as fish or chicken breast. Your diet will be almost entirely free of both fat and carbs. This way, when your body needs some extra energy, it’ll have to use the fat stored in your body instead. The result? It burns the fat and you stay energized–a double-benefit.
Day 6
Consume only vegetables, fruit salads, and lean meat…not in conventional meal sizes, but in small portions throughout the day.
This will help you maintain your energy level, and the fibers you’re getting from the fruits and vegetables will help your digestive system.
Day 7
Consume brown rice, lean meat, and vegetable soup.
If necessary, use the same strategy of drinking water to suppress hunger.
The rice provides the fiber for your digestive system today. The meat contains the protein for your muscles. Finally, the soup takes care of the daily vitamins and nutrients for the day.
A weight loss program, especially if it involves both diet control and regular exercise, can be quite taxing at times. It is therefore advisable to have a fixed routine in place.
Stay motivated and stick to your plan word-for-word, and weight loss will begin quite soon. Weigh yourself at the beginning of each week, perhaps while creating your meal…but no more than this, as it can become excessive and distract you from living your life.
And as always, be driven from within.